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Business analytics for data-driven decision making

On March 29th will take place the first edition of the course "Business analytics for data-driven decision making", a training action of UVentrepreneurships Campus program that is funded by Santander Universities, which will fund 40 scholarships to cover tuition fees for the course.


Decision-making in business has until very recently been a mixture of experience and intuition of entrepreneurs. However, there is a better way of making decisions, based on the different data available in companies and social networks. The aim of this course is that students will be able to learn different methodologies to convert data into relevant information for decision making.

The course "Business analytics for data-driven decision making" will take place online on March 29th from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and will be taught by José A. Álvarez Jareño, Vice-Dean of Quality, Accreditation and Planning of the Faculty of Economics at the Universitat de València. The course will be structured in a theoretical part that includes the presentation of concepts and statistical tools, and a part focused on problem-based learning, which will include the active participation of the participating students.

This training is open to all those enrolled in any Degree, Master's Degree or Doctoral Programme at the Universitat de València during the 2021-22 academic year, who will be eligible for one of the 40 grants financed by Santander Universities for the course. The deadline to apply for the scholarships is March 22nd. All the information about the course and the scholarships can be found in the following link.


Date From 4 march 2022 to 22 march 2022. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Campus UVentrepreneurships-Santander Universities.


Contact uvempren@uv.es

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