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Image of the Teacher Training Forum 2022.
Employment Forum-Faculty of Teacher Training

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Career Development, Teaching Transformation and Employment organises, through UVjob and the UV General Foundation, the Employment Forum of the Universitat de València, which will take place in the Faculty of Teacher Training.

For the second consecutive year, the Faculty of Teacher Training will host this meeting point for students interested in the labour market and the job opportunities it offers, and those companies and institutions interested in meeting the professionals of the future.

The Forum is aimed at students of all undergraduate and Master’s degrees at the Faculty of Teacher Training, who will be able to:

- get closer to the reality and business culture of the sector,

- obtain crucial information for their decision-making with regard to their professional integration

- and have the opportunity of direct interaction with their future employers.

For their part, the participating entities will be able to:                                   - meet and get in touch with highly qualified profiles,

- position themselves as a company that seeks out and values talent

- and identify themselves as companies committed to the development of our society.

To participate, all you have to do is register here.


Date From 4 october 2022 to 17 october 2022. 24h. Every day.

  • 18 october 2022 at 09:30 to 13:30. Tuesday.

Faculty of Teacher Training (Tarongers 4, València). Online registration

Organized by

Universitat de València

Office of the Vice-Principal for Career Development, Teaching Transformation and Employment

General Foundation of the Universitat de València


With the collaboration of the Faculty of Teacher Training.



Contact uvforo@uv.es

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