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Antigua piscifactoría de La Tosquilla (Titaguas)
Registration: Seasonal University of Alto Turia (18 December)

Alto Turia is part of the Universitat de València’s network of Seasonal Universities, a programme promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Territorial Projection and Society, present in 20 towns in Valencia. This year, we present the 1st edition of the Seasonal University of Alto Turia, the result of close collaboration between the Universitat de València, the Alto Turia region, the Diputación de Valencia (Valencia Provincial Council) and Caixa Popular.


This initiative is linked to the recent statement of the Alto Turia’s Biosphere Reserve (2019), so the general theme will revolve around Biosphere Reserves. This first edition will address, from many points of view, issues related to the establishment and maintenance of this protected area, protected areas in general and Biosphere Reserves in particular, where environmental, socio-cultural and economic aspects are included.

The conference will consist of a morning session made up of three visiting speakers. In the first one, the Agent of Occupation and Local Development of the Alto Turia region, and manager of the Reserve, Susana Romero, will detail the values for which the Reserve has been declared, and will outline its Management Programme. Next, Dr. Eva Barreno, Professor of Botany at the Universitat de València, will explain her experience in the Muniellos Biosphere Reserve, where she has developed numerous research projects, knowing its management strategy at first hand. Finally, Dr. Javier Esparcia, Professor of Regional Geographical Analysis at the Universitat de València, will focus his speech on the possibilities for local development which, in his opinion, are opening up in the region with this international recognition.

Given the public nature of the Universitat de València, registration at the Seasonal University of Alto Turia is free (link to registration). A first edition that, given the current situation, will be held in online format. It will be possible to follow the event through this link, that will be enabled minutes before the start of the conference (link to streaming). An attendance certificate will be issued to all those registered.


ScheduleFrom 11 december 2020 to 17 december 2020. Every day at 13:25 to 21:00.



Organized by

Universitat de València

Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad

Mancomunidad del Alto Turia

Diputación de Valencia

Caixa Popular.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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