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Universitat de València MindInnFOOD & MindInnFEED Programme

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer announces 25 places to participate in the training programme and compete for the prizes of the first edition of MindInnFOOD & MindInnFEED Universitat de València with the aim of bringing together ideas for safe and quality food sustainability, both in human and animal nutrition, and to provide the opportunity for those participating in this competition to acquire training to generate innovative business ideas and formulate entrepreneurial projects with an impact (environmental, gastronomic, nutritional, social and economic education), in order to acquire new experiences and establish contacts through their participation in specific training activities in entrepreneurial skills.


This call for awards arises from the UVemprén Aprèn Programme for teaching innovation projects in university entrepreneurship aimed at the teaching and research staff of the Universitat de València. The programme is possible thanks to the collaboration agreement signed between the Universitat de València and the Banco Santander to promote the UVemprén – Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Campus.

The call is aimed at official undergraduate, master's and PhD students of the Universitat de València who have enrolled in the academic year 2022-2023.

The director of the teaching innovation project in university entrepreneurship Mindful Eating Dietetic is the tenured university professor Cristina Juan García.

The programme will take place at the Faculty of Pharmacy (inter-faculty lecture room building) in 5 sessions, on 25 and 30 November 2022; 1 February, 22 March and 20 April 2023, in the afternoon.

Participants, after receiving specific and transversal training, will work in teams to generate solutions or opportunity scenarios in order to come up with an innovative business idea with triple impact. After completing their projects, they will give a public presentation of the results obtained, defend them and compete with the rest of the teams. They will compete for the following prizes:

  • Two €500 MindInnFOOD & MindInnFEED UV prizes that aim to reward the best business ideas with innovative projects in the food sector, in order to promote and encourage sustainable, safe and quality agri-food entrepreneurship in the university community, and which is compatible with other prizes provided for in this call.
  • UV - Banco de Santander MindInnFOOD & MindInnFEED special prize of €1,000 for the best entrepreneurial project in the competition.

Applications for participating in the programme must be submitted by filling in the registration form available at the following link, through a general application form dirigida a la Unitat d’Emprenedoria (UVemprén), addressed to the Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén), through the specific procedure “MindInnFoodFeed 2022 Awards”. Please attach the document Annex II: application form. You must also apply for the scholarship to SANTANDER UNIVERSITIES through the Becas Santander platform.

The deadline for submitting applications begins the day after the publication of the extract of the call in the Official Journal of the Valencian Government and ends on 20 November 2022 at 11:59 pm.

For more information about the call, please click on the following link.


Date From 9 november 2022 to 20 november 2022. 24h. Every day.


Faculty of Pharmacy

Organized by

Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén).


Contact uvempren@uv.es

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