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Poster of the Finale
V National Philosophical Contest Universitat de València

On Friday, November 20th, from 11:00 to 13:00 p.m., the final phase of the V National Philosophy Contest Universitat de València will take place. The present edition is dedicated to Gender and Philosophy.

Given the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the final will be held online through Blackboard Collaborate. Link to the web session: https://links.uv.es/eV5Og5z

The finalist essays are the following:

"The fight against gender: moral development during the third industrial revolution" by Paula-Rosell Brel Borgoñós (double Degree in Economics and Philosophy - URJC)

“Gender and company name. Legitimacy, introspection and social reform regarding the question of gender ”by Marc Camañes Muñoz (Degree in Philosophy - UV)

and "Democracy, justice and feminism: Iris Marion Young" by Carlota Gómez Herrera (Degree in Philosophy -UV)

At the end of the presentation and debate, Professor Elena Nájera from the University of Alicante will give a lecture entitled "Does it make sense to review the history of philosophy from a gender perspective?"

With the collaboration of the Equality Commission of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences.

More information: Marina García-Granero (certamendefilosofia@uv.es)



Date 20 november 2020 at 11:00 to 13:00. Friday.


Online - Blackboard Collaborate

Organized by

Marina García-Granero

Philosophy Departament, Universitat de València

Equality Comission of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences.



Contact certamendefilosofia@uv.es

More information