Carmen Crespo wins the 13th edition of the César Simón Poetry Award

Carmen Crespo is the winner of the 13th edition of the César Simón Poetry Award, promoted by the UV and Denes Publisher. The jury, coordinated by Begoña Pozo, and attended by Arturo Borra, Ivan Brull, Jesús González, Miriam Reyes and Pilar Verdú, has chosen the book of poems called ‘Teselas’, by Carmen Crespo.

Of a total of 43 poetry books presented, the jury, gathered at the Cultural Centre La Nau of the UV, gave the award to a book in which the poetic language “takes a significant formal risk where it is highlighted a fragmented construction, already noted by the title, and reinforced by a rhythmic intensity and certain musicality with no bombast, as well as a large variety of resources characteristic of orality that provide a psalmody and reverberation tone”.

The poems, in the form of tesserae, are gradually articulating a semantic density as if they were tears of a poetic language sewn through indirect classical references, according to the jury. “The threads slowly draw connection points within a non limited entirety, anchored in the legendary Mediterranean sea, where the willingness on generating a whole sense is proposed from poems-thread which refresh that space through a look-body which knows itself to be island and centre, wound and scar, voice and silence”, is claimed at the jury communication. 

Carmen Crespo (Cáceres, 1962) is an author who has been influenced by different anthologies –‘Voces nuevas’ (Ed. Toremozas, 2012); ‘Poemáticas naturales’ (Ed. Entricíclopes, 2013); ‘Voces del desierto’ (Unaria Ediciones)– and, until now, she has published ‘plaquettes’ ‘Cuerpo o el corazón del mundo todavía’ and ‘Puro hueco’ and the books of poetry: ‘Tal vez huésped’ (Devenir, 2014); ‘Márgenes que no’ (1st Poetry Award: “Versos al aire” of the Fundación Centro de Poesía José Hierro, 2015) and ‘Todo ardió luminoso’ (Amargord, 2016). A number of her poems have appeared in magazines such as ‘Cuadernos del matemático’, ‘El coloquio de los perros’, ‘Pangea’, ‘Tres en suma’ and ‘Obituario’. She is also member of the board of directors of the digital poetry magazine ‘conVersos’.

Last update: 9 de november de 2016 11:21.

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