The full university professor of Civil Law Francisco Javier Orduña is appointed Magistrate at the First Chamber of the Supreme Court

Francisco Javier Orduña Moreno.

The full university professor of Civil Law Francisco Javier Orduña Moreno has been appointed Magistrate at the Civil First Chamber of the Supreme Court. The appointment took place last 16th December by the General Council of the Judiciary in plenary session. Orduña is director of the Departament de Dret Civil (Department of Civil Law) of Universitat de València, member of the Electoral Commission of Valencian Community and member of the Universities Council.

Francisco Javier Orduña Moreno fills the vacancy caused by the passing of the magistrate Vicente Montés.

The full university professor studied his degree and doctorate at Universitat de València, obtaining special awards with both. He was a disciple of Vicente Montés Penadés and completed his education at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the professor Díez-Picazo. He won the Chair in Civil Law in Cantabria in 1993 and finally in Valencia, through public competition on merits, in 2000.

Francisco Javier Orduña has supervised more than 15 research projects R&D&I and many scientific collaboration agreements with the main law institutions. Currently, he manages the Microcluster ‘Derecho Sanitario, Genética y Protección Social’ (health law, genetics and social protection) within the VLC/CAMPUS, as well as the excellence project PROMETEO 2011/23 and the R&D project ‘Bases para la uniformidad y convergencia de las reglas de transmisión de la propiedad inmobiliaria en la Unión Europea’ (foundations for the uniformity and convergence of property transfer in the Eurpean Union).

The magistrate is president and codirector of three scientific journals specializing in property law and cofounder of Grupo Actualiza, backed up by CRUE as university research group for the reform of Spanish private property law.

Last update: 19 de december de 2011 20:44.

News release