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Alambradas, muros y corrientes de aire. El universo penitenciario franquista de postguerra en el País Valenciano

Book Presentation


“Jornadas sobre Memoria Histórica” (Conference on Historical Memory).

Book Presentation:

“Alambradas, muros y corrientes de aire. El universo penitenciario franquista de postguerra en el País Valenciano (Wire Fences, Walls And Drafts. The Francoist penitentiary Prison of the 


postwar in the Valencian Country)”

With the intervention of:

Antoni López, Editor.

Camil Ricard Torres, Historian, the author of the book.

Presented by:

Juan Carlos Colomer, University of Valencia.

Free admission, limited seating

The Debate Forum intends from the outset to extend the reflection on the issues that are incorporated into their programming, to sectors that do not have much contact with university life, sparking a space for debate in the most diverse fields of culture: literature, history, philosophy, etc


Image of the activity