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Project by Publicación Ensamblada

Photography of Antonio Damián
Photograph © Antonio Damián
The exhibition shows one by one all printed works belonging to a project by Publicación Ensamblada. It highlights the emotions and reflections caused by different arid, abandoned or border landscapes which configure the dystopic collective imagination of each one of the participant artists.
Around 25 artists of universities and editorials of Arizona, Phoenix (US), Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (Mexico), Bristol (England), Valencia, Jaén and Granada (Spain), although some artists from other countries can also become part of it. They are organised in four working groups - six artists in each one of them
Jaén’s group, Cultural Association Librodeartista.info Editions. Formed by: Antonio Alcaraz, Antonio Damián, Antonio Gómez, Antonio Terrada, Christian Walter and Jim Lorena.
© Antonio Alcaraz
Ciudad Juarez’s group, Cuerpo Académico Gráfica Contemporánea, assigned to the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Formed by: Hortensia Míguez, Ioulia Akhmadeeva, Ireri topete and Carles Méndez Llopis, among others.
Phoenix’s group, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts de Arizona. Formed by: Heather Green, Miriam Del Saz, Rogelio Gutierrez, among others.
Valencia’s group, Departamento de Dibujo de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Formed by: Agnieszka Marcelak, Alejandro Rodríguez León, Fernando Evangelio and José Manuel Guillem.
The fifth group is in progress, whose headquarters and participants shall be definitive soon - more collectives from different cities may join too.
Each group is formed by six artists. They will create a book made of six sheets of 60 x 30 cm, assembled in each work following a standardised model, with a total of 18 books.
Volumes containing all the works in contemporary edition shall be displayed in the exhibition Arid Lands. Individual works of different techniques made by each artist will be also exhibited.
The desert, sometimes as an undefeatable distance - especially in the cases of Mexico and the US - offers a really different interpretation depending on the side from which the artist carries out their work.
© Antonio Damián