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Chile Gay. Testimonios de vida, amor y dolor

Book presentation and debate. La Nau

Book presentation and debate

“Chile Gay. Testimonios de vida, amor y dolor” (“Chile Gay. Testimonies of life, love and pain”)

With the participation of:
Juan Pablo De La Hoz, Chilean journalist and writer, with a career developed mainly in TV. The debut feature Chile Gay has taken him to important stages of his country and USA. His book obtained the Best Journalistic Research
2016 award. 

Jokin Egaña, founder of the consultancy Grupo EGF, specialised in the LGBT scene, and promoter of innovative projects such as the Asociación Española de Empresas Gay Friendly (Spanish Association of Gay Friendly
Companies), the LGBT Friendly Congress or the Homocultura platform.

Ricard Huerta, Professor of the Department of Musical, Plastic and Body Language Expression Training, UV Director of Museari and member of Lambda.

Elena Letelier, Chilean journalist. Her work is focused on ethnical, sexual or gender minorities.

Luis Noguerol, Culture Manager in Culturama. Activist in Lambda, coordinator of cultural activities and Festival Mostra la Ploma.

Free admission, limited capacity

Chile Gay. Testimonios de vida, amor y dolor