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Chilean Popular Unity, 50 years later

Image of Statue, Salvador Allende and Last Words

Roundtable. EEPLLV-Fòrum de Debats. Centre Cultural La Nau

European School of Thought Lluís Vives
Debate Forum Cycle

Chilean Popular Unity, 50 years later

With the participation of 
Amadeu Sanchis i Labiós. Communicator and cultural programmer
Viviana Bahamondes. President of Casa Chile-Valencia
Mario Amorós. Historian and author of the books 

 Una mirada desde las biografías de Salvador Allende y Víctor Jara", on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile and the publication of the books, La vida es eterna: Biografía de Víctor Jara (Ediciones B) and Salvador Allende. Biografía política, semblanza humana (Editorial Capitán Swing).

Free entry, limited capacity