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La Nau Theatre

La Nau Theatre
23th University Theatre. UV Welcome Festival. 

Poems by Danai Delipetrou, Maria Albelda, Jaime Francés, Virginia Sanjuán and Celia Burgos. Dramatised reading.

By La Col-lectiva Imaginària. 
Directed by La Col-lectiva Imaginària. 

We are living beings, here and there, it doesn't matter. All of us form humanity, a species that thinks. On the other hand, we are animals and, because of that, we feel: a whole circuit of ups and downs that relate the experiences and
shape who we are.
Words show us how we are. Your words, mines.
At the end, I am like you, and you were like me.

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website (www.latenda.es/entrades). Tickets €2

Teatre a La Nau