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Dibujantes valencianas: Consuelo Arizmendi, una vocación silenciada

Consuelo Arizmendi

Round table and screening of the documentary "Il.lustrades, Trencar l’Oblit". Centre Cultural La Nau

"Valencian female cartoonists: Consuelo Arizmendi, a silenced vocation"
With the screening of the documentary: "Il.lustrades, Trencar l’Oblit", directed by Amalia Yusta

With the participation of:
Adela Cortijo. Director of the University Culture Service
Marika Vila. Cartoonist
Aitana Carrasco. Illustrator and host of the documentary
Cristina Chumillas. Coordinator

Limited capacity
Free admission with prior reservation: ​https://go.uv.es/Fv7UwkK