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Fabra, Moll i Sanchis Guarner. La construcció d’una llengua moderna de cultura des de la diversitat

Fabra, Moll i Sanchis Guarner. La construcció d’una llengua moderna de cultura des de la diversitat. Presentation of the book by Antoni Ferrando. 04/02/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.30h

Presentation of the book by Antoni Ferrando. Centre Cultural La Nau

Presentation of the book:

Fabra, Moll and Sanchis Guarner. Building a modern and cultural language from diversity 

Isabel Vázquez, Vice-principal of Studies and Linguistic Policy of the Universitat de València
Ester Franquesa, General Director of Linguistic Policy of the Catalan Government
Marta Fuxà, General Director of Linguistic Policy of the Balearic Government
Rubén Trenzano, General Director of Linguistic Policy and Multilingual Management of the Valencian Government
Emili Casanova, professor of the Universitat de València
Antoni Ferrando, author of the book and honorary professor of the Universitat de València

The Ceremony of the 150th anniversary of Pompeu Fabra’s birth is the perfect occasion to remember not only his person, but also his legacy. This book addresses the linguistic, historical and civic dimension of Fabra’s work. 

Free entry, limited capacity