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Fernando Aramburu

Fernando Aramburu

Conversation on the occasion of a book’s publication: Los vencejos. La Nau Cultural Centre

Conversation with Fernando Aramburu 
Conversation on the occasion of a book’s publication: Los vencejos (Tusquets editores, 2021)

Bárbara Blasco, writer and Premio Tusquets Editores de Novela 2020  
Cristina García, in charge of the Literature Society, UV’s Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture
Fernando Aramburu, author and writer of the book

Toni, a school teacher angry with the world, decides to end his life. He carefully and calmly sets the date: a year from now. Before the moment comes,  he writes in the apartment he shares with his dog named Pepa, and a library he gradually starts to abandon, a personal, tough and unbelieving chronicle, but no less sweet and humorous. With it, he hopes to uncover the reasons behind his radical decision...

Registration​: https://go.uv.es/ARhYY5q