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Diàlegs entre ciència i literatura


In spite of the fact that not to be considered as independent cultures, the science and literature have kept a constant dialogue throughout the history. The way in which the literature has historically represent the scientific activity have been essential to instruct, to seduce and prepare the readers in order to assume specific proposal in the scientific and technological area. At the same time, the literature has been a privileged tool that can make easier the critic reflection about the ethics and social implications about the sciences. Moreover, encouraging the necessary scientific debate to promote and stimulate certain lines of research.
With the purpose of answer all these questions and  coinciding with the celebration of the two hundred years of the novel by Mary W. Shelley, the Frankenstein exhibition or the modern Prometheus. Dialogues between science and literature present different aspects related to science and literature in European Romanticism, paying special attention to the scientific debates that influenced the development of this work - from the importance of scientific expeditions and the anatomical question, to the Consideration of electricity as a vital fluid-, addressing issues related to the construction of identity, the responsibility of the scientist and the development of areas such as physiology and electromedicine.