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La memoria herida

La memoria herida. Presentation of the book. Fòrum de Debats. 03/06/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19:00h

Presentation of the book. Fòrum de Debats. Centre Cultural La Nau

80th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War

Presentation of the book
“La memoria herida”
(Stories of Julio Llamazares, Almudena Grandes, Antonio Orihuela, Luisa Carnés, Alfons Cervera, Joseba Sarrionandia and others)

With the intervention of 
Mariano Calvo, Tino Andrés, Sol Valbuena and Agustín Macías
Miembros del Colectivo Desmemoriados (Cantabria). Editor of the book

Alfons Cervera

Free admission, limited seats