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La Segunda República (1931-1936)

Book presentation. By Ángel Luis López Villaverde. La Nau

Book presentation. By Ángel Luis López Villaverde
“La Segunda República (1931-1936)”

With the participation of:
Antonio Laguna Platero, Journalism professor, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Ángel Luis López Villaverde, Contemporary History professor, University Castilla-La Mancha and author of the book
Ricard Camil Torres Fabra, Contemporary History professor, Universitat de València 

Ángel Luis López Villaverde is a tenured professor of the Department of History in the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He gave lessons in the Faculty of Leaning Sciences and Humanities and he is currently working in the Faculty of Journalism of the UCLM.

The author gathers the main contributions of the different History lines, showing himself critical when it comes to revisionist approaches about the Second Republic. The book has been split in two parts counting with four chapters each. Each one can be read separately no matter the order. All of them fit like a jigsaw and answer different approaches. Essential questions (what, how, who and why?) are in the first part, which is basically dedicated to political and cultural history. The second one is centred in thematic keys (power organisation, hopes and worries that provoked and made arise betrayals to the Republic). In this second part, along with politics and culture, social history is told. This way, both individual protagonists and collective actors take part. The diachronic story like the thematic analysis, the continuations as breakups along with the perspective from above and below, without forgetting the one from the gender.

Free admission, limited seats

La Segunda República (1931-1936)