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Oedipus Rex, of Sófocles

Detail of the poster, actors and actresses acting

La Nau Theatre. By Komos Compañía Teatral

La Nau Theatre

Oedipus Rex, of Sófocles.
Greek Theatre Season - Komos Theatre Company (20 Years), by Komos Theatre Company. Management, Miguel Navarro.

After two decades, the Komos Theatre Company hold again its event in the Matilde Salvador room. During three days they will perform three of their more emblematic plays. In honour of its own origins, the Greek classical theatre. Medea, Lisistrata and Oedipus Rex, three enduring texts, two universal tragedies and a comedy still present these days that will show us that, even more than two thousand years after, the defects and virtues of human beings remain the same.

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website (https://events.fundacio.es/o/5). Tickets €2