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The poetry of Lluís Guarner: literary sources and current approaches

Poetry Round table. La Nau

Round table: "La poesía de Lluís Guarner: fuentes literarias y aproximaciones actuales" (The poetry of Lluís Guarner: literary sources and current approaches).


Presented and moderated by Xelo Candel.



Robert Ferrer (music director and coordinator of the project “Lluís Guarner: per què cantar a la terra i al mar?” (Lluís Guarner:  why does the earth sing to the sea?)

José Francisco Yvars (art historian)

Josep Palomero (Vice-President of the AVL and writer)

Juan Antonio Millón (biographer of Lluís Guarner)

Josep Ribera (professor of the University of Valencia)



Free admission, limited seating

Aula de Poesia