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Sobre la tirania

A man in front of a drawing of a rhinoceros

La Nau Theatre. With Oscar Intente

La Nau Theatre

Sobre la tirania (“On tyranny”)
With Oscar Intente
Performed by Globus y Ajuntament de Terrassa
Directed by Carles Grau

The play is dedicated to the defence of democratic values and reflects on how knowledge of history can protect us from tyranny in the present and safeguard freedom for the future.

An actor (Òscar Intente) who can be a speaker, a teacher, a lecturer ...., aided by the images of an old projector, immerses us in the 20th century. It discusses the current dangers that democracies are facing, and explains what we can learn and unlearn in the 21st century from what happened in the 20th century with the advent of authoritarian regimes in many European countries.
Quotes from the performance:
“Government rulers need obedient officials”
“Nothing is real if it is not present in the streets”
“We need to dare to intervene in history”
“Rights are not granted, they have to be won”

Based on the book “On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder

Colloquium every Wednesday with the companies when the function finishes

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website (http://www.latenda.es/entrades). Tickets €2