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Antique printing press
Replica of the Gutenberg press. Courtesy of: Association of Friends of the Museum of Printing and Graphic Arts. Museum senate




The Obres o trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria were published in the year 1474, as a result of a poetry competition. This was the first printed book in the Crown of Aragon, and the first printed literary work of the Iberian Peninsula.


Both its printer, the German Lambert Palmart, and the text –the compositions presented in the competition– reflect the processes of diffusion of a new technology (moveable types printing), as well as its reception in Valencia, a city that was not only considered a trade hub, but also a culturally dynamic place, especially in regard to literature.


Around 1450, Johannes Gutenberg, associated to Johannes Fust, printed in his typographic workshop in Mainz the first book in Europe: the 42-line Bible. In twenty years, Gutenberg’s invention spread all over Europe and arrived to Valencia through Italy, where the first German printers had settled. Palmart’s settlement was soon followed by Nicholas Spindeler, Christopher Cofman, and Llop de Roca.


The printing press was successfully established because it was the answer that the highly-cultured bourgeoisie needed; their local literature was already flourishing, they had an active economy, and a constant trade influx through the Mediterranean routes.


This way, a network of professions and activities around the printed book was created. These ranged from publishers-booksellers and printers to general sellers and the readers. The latter insisted in having the brand new printed books imitate manuscripts both in form and in writing, since that is what they were used to reading.


The only preserved copy of the Obres o trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria is under the custody of the Historical Library of the Universitat de València. To commemorate the 550th anniversary, the Library presents the exhibition ‘Trobes: 550 years of the printing press in Valencia’. The exhibition will be held in the Duc de Calàbria and Beam halls, both in La Nau Cultural Centre. The Trobes original copy will be exhibited in the Duc de Calàbria Hall, together with a selection of incunabulum of the collection of the Universitat. The Beam Hall will offer the opportunity of immersing in the world of the printing press, its invention, and its diffusion through Europe.


As a complimentary activity, from 28 April to 26 May, a replica of the Gutenberg printing machine (property of the Asociación de Amigos del Museo de la Imprenta. Senado del Museo) will remain installed at the entrance of the Duc de Calàbria Hall and its operation will be showcased by stamping the first page of the incunabula Trobes, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, from 10:00 to 13:00, and on Wednesdays, from 16:00 to 19:00.