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Vicent Andrés Estellés, validity and relevance of his literary work.

Open Seminar. Debate and book launching in La Nau

Claustre Obert (Open Seminar)


Vicent Andrés Estellés, validity and relevance of his literary work.


With regard to the presentation of the study: L’obra literària de Vicent Andrés Estellés. Gèneres, tradicions poètiques i estil. Authors: Vicent Salvador and Manuel Pérez Saldanya (eds.). Edited by l’AVL, Col·lecció Recerca, 2013.


With the participation of:

Vicent Salvador, full-University  professor of Catalan of the UJI .

Manel Pérez Saldanya, professor of Catalan Studies of the University of Valencia and member of the Valencian Academy of the Language .

Jaume Pérez Montaner, poet and essayist.


Host and moderator:

Antonio Ariño, vice-principal for Culture and Equality of the University of Valencia .


Free admission, limited to the capacity of the room.


The conference will be broadcast live on Internet by the University Television, Mediauni (www.mediauni.uv.es/tv) and you can see the audiovisual file in the Canal cultura of the same medium

Claustre Obert