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Historia del Arte en Cómic. Presentation. 12/03/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h
'Historia del Arte en Cómic'

Presentation of  'Historia del Arte en Cómic'

By Pedro Cifuentes

Moderated by Álvaro Pons.

After a successful crowdfunding, Pedro Cifuentes has finally published his book Historia del Arte en Cómic. He is a prestigious secondary school teacher who encourages using comics in schools. Additionally, he was awarded the National Prize of Education for Development.

This educative project is interesting and innovative. It consists in using comic language as a tool to explain the history of art to students. Cifuentes will explain the strategies that he uses with his students by means of comics.

Free entrance, limited capacity


Date 12 march 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Sala Gonzalo Montiel. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Aula de Còmic.


Contact alvaro.pons@uv.es