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Capella de Ministrers. Serenates 2019. Concert. 26/06/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 22.30h
Capella de Ministrers

2019 Serenades

Lucretia Borgia: history, myth and legend 

Capella de Ministrers

Carles Magraner, director

Music homage to Lucrècia Borja. The musical programme is based on music of her time period, and makes us feel the fascination that Italian courts in the renaissance felt for Lucrècia Borja. 

Since it was created in 1987, the group Capella de Ministrers has developed an important research and music task, favouring the Spanish musical heritage, since the Middle Ages to the 19th century.

Not numbered seat. Limited capacity

Early ticket sale (PVP 3€) at www.latenda.es/entrades or La Nau Cultural Centre


Date 26 june 2019 at 22:30 to 23:59. Wednesday.


Claustre. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Universitat de València. Institut Valencià de Cultura

Col: Diputació de València. Ajuntament de València. Palau de la Música. ISEACV. EASD. Sabadell Fundació. Fundació Bancaixa.


Contact pam@uv.es

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