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Citizenship and Ethnicity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presentation of the book by Esma Kucukalic Ibrahimovic. 07/10/2018. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19:00h
Citizenship and Ethnicity in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives

Presentation of the book Citizenship and Ethnicity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Esma Kucukalic Ibrahimovic (PUV - Universitat de València, 2019). 

With the participation of

Esma Kucukalic Ibrahimovic, author of the bookRicard Pérez Casado, Doctor of History and administrator of the European Union in 1996 for the city of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Carlos Flores Juberías, professor of Constitutional Law, Universitat de València.

Introduced by

Albert Moncusí Ferré Dean, College of Social Sciences, Universitat de València.

Free admission, limited capacity.

The audiovisual archive of the event may be consulted on the Canal cultura of Mediauni (mediauni.uv.es).


Date 7 october 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Monday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives. Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport..


Contact escola.pensament@uv.es

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