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Igualdad y discriminación de las mujeres: la perspectiva de género en el ámbito judicial. Mesa redonda. 05/02/2020. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h
Equality and discrimination against women: the gender perspective in the legal sphere


Equality and discrimination against women: the gender perspective in the legal sphere.

With the participation of:

Ana Pérez Ortega. Judge

José Manuel Ortega. Judge

Ana Mejías. Lawyer

Joaquim Bosch. Judge

Moderated by:

Begoña García. Judge

Free entry until full capacity.


Date 5 february 2020 at 19:00 to 21:00. Wednesday.


Aula Magna. La Nau Cultural Centre.

Organized by

Org: Juezas y jueces para la Democracia (Judges for Democracy)

Col: La Nau Cultural Centre



Contact jpd@juecesdemocracia.es