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Conference by Rafael Narbona. La Nau
Living Valencia of Sant Vicent Ferrer

Classics at La Nau

Thursdays of San Vincent Ferrer


Living Valencia of San Vicent Ferrer

Rafael Narbona Vizcaíno (Universitat de València)

Since 1399, barely after being named legatus a latere Christi Vicent Ferrer began an intense and passionate missionary and pastoral activity throughout an important number of Western European countries. From his words pronounced everywhere there is preserved a very important set of sermonaries that allow to evaluate his thought. A man of church and state, he preached the coming of the end of the world and participated actively in the politics of his time, in events as important as now the engagement of Caspe and the Western Schism. On 5th April 1419 his death took place in the city of Vannes, in Brittany.

The cycle of conferences dedicated to master Ferrer wants to discover the Valencia he lived, and, at the same time, follow his thoughts and spirit, and appreciate as much as possible the persuasive force of his language and the technique of his art of preaching.

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 25 october 2018 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Sapiencia Chapel. La Nau (Universidad, 2)

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport. Academia Valenciana de la Llengua.


Contact cultura@uv.es