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Curso de formación
Registration for the course “Nuevos enfoques metodológicos. Flipped Classroom y Etwinning"

This course aims to transmit to the students the importance of the use of new approaches to the learning-teaching process in the field of economics and business economics, as well as, collaborative work, not only within the centre, but also in other centres.

The purpose is twofold: On the one hand, it intends to show the students the approach to the learning-teaching process known as Flipped Classroom.  On the other hand, the eTwinning environment is presented as a collaborative work strategy between centres.

Recipients: Economy and Business Economy secondary and high school teachers.

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Date From 3 december 2018 to 14 january 2019. 24h. Every day.


“Manuel Sanchis Guarner” Centre for Education and Quality

Organized by

Commission for Cooperation with the secondary school of the Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València and the “Manuel Sanchis Guarner” Centre for Education and Quality of the Universitat de València..


Contact sfp-cursos@uv.es

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