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PhD Defence

  • June 8th, 2023
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The Doctoral Program in Business Administration announces the public defence of PhD candidate David Fernando Tobón Orozco, entitled:

“Restricciones y capacidades para la acción climática: un análisis en empresas de economías con debilidades institucionales”

Will be held in Manuel Sánchez Ayuso room (1st floor Faculty of Economics) on July 3rd, 2023, at 12h00

PhD. José Pla Barber
PhD. Joaquín Alegre Vidal

Assessment committee:
Chair: PhD Bartolomé Marco Lajara (Universitat d’Alacant)
Secretary: PhD. María Teresa Canet Giner (Universitat de València)
Member: PhD Javier Aguilera Caracuel (Universidad de Granada)

We investigate why companies commit to actions against climate change (ACC). We first studied a macro effect between the institutional configuration carried out by FDI and national institutions regarding those action. FDI will positively externalize home institutions when it comes from more coordinated market economies, while host institutions play various roles and counteract the negative effects of FDI coming from more liberal economies. Then we study the positive complementation between the organizational facades —symbolic fronts— on some company resources. Finally, substantive actions are related to expanding the limits of the company: internalizing processes and products with a lower carbon footprint (ID) or outsourcing them paying carbon compensations (OD). We explore their moderating effects on the relationship between stakeholder collaboration and ACCs. This collaboration generates positive effects and the ID has positive moderating effects, compared to the OD. The research focuses on emerging economies.