The Doctoral Program in Business Administration announces the public defence of PhD candidate David Bayona Cuallado thesis
“Exploring music consumption from a strategic management perspective considering sexual diversity”
Will be held on January 20th, 2025, at 11h, room Ignasi Villalonga Villalba (1st floor Faculty of Economics)
PhD. Alejandro Escribá Esteve
PhD. Manuel Cuadrado García
Assessment committee:
Chair: PhD. Sonia Cruz Ros (Universitat de València)
Secretary: PhD. María Fuentes Blasco (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Member: PhD. Miguel Ángel Gómez Borja (Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha)
This doctoral thesis examines the implications personality, both of artists and consumers, and sexual orientation in the management and communication strategies of the music industry. It is structured into three research chapters. The first explores, via a quantitative descriptive study, participation in musical activities, consumption motivations, and devices used, highlighting the impact of factors such as gender, age, and education level on musical preferences. The second chapter investigates, through multivariate analyses, correlations between consumer personality and perceived artist personality, noting variations based on sexual orientation and other demographic factors. The third study develops a structural equation model to analyze the relationship between perceived artist personality and consumer loyalty. The final chapter offers conclusions and practical recommendations for the music industry.