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PhD Defence

  • December 12th, 2024
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The Doctoral Program in Business Administration announces the public defence of PhD candidate Vicente Woltes Albelda thesis. Will be held on January 9th, 2025, at 11:30sh, room Ignasi Villalonga Villalba (1st floor Faculty of Economics)

“La gestión de las organizaciones en entornos VUCA: Incidencia de la composición y cohesión del TMT y el liderazgo transformacional del CEO”

PhD. Ana Isabel Fernández Mesa
PhD. Justo Herrera Gómez

Assessment committee:
Chair: PhD. Joaquín Alegre Vidal (Universitat de València)
Secretary: PhD. Montserrat Boronat Navarro (Universitat Jaume I)
Member: PhD. Marta Peris Ortiz (Universitat Politècnica de València)

This doctoral thesis examines, through top management theory and dynamic capabilities theory, how the composition and management processes of the management team (TMT) reduce the impact of VUCA environments in organizations. It comprises three research papers. The first is a systematic review of the literature on the VUCA environment and the management of this type of environment by TMTs. The second conducts empirical research using the statistical methodology of the necessary condition in a sample of hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. It concludes that TMT diversity affects organizational results in VUCA times. Finally, the third study determines the mediating impact of cohesion among management team members in the relationship between transformational leadership and TMT effectiveness. The final chapter offers valuable conclusions and recommendations for TMTs.