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The Chair of the Digital Gender Divide collaborates in the ComMujeres Events

The ComMujeres Events will start on November 26th, at 11:30 a.m. Challenges and opportunities for women in the digital environment. Bridging divides.

In these events, the Chair of the Digital Gender Divide and the Equality Unit work together on the “ComMujeres. Digital Communication and Gender” project, which belongs to the Chair of Gender Studies of the University of Valladolid.

These events are part of the activities organised by the Universitat de València on the occasion of the 25th International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The conferences will address women’s situation in the ICT field and future possibilities, as well as technological and social entrepreneurship and how these elements can be of great help to give employment opportunities to women and reduce the risk of experiencing gender violence.

It’s worth highlighting that these events were scheduled within subjects such as Engineering, Society and University of the Degree in Computer Engineering, Multimedia Engineering, Telematics Engineering and the Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering of the School of Engineering. The same couldn’t be done in other degrees due to schedule incompatibility, but the students were recommended to watch it afterwards once the videos are published to the YouTube channel of the chair:


Date 26 november 2020 at 11:30 to 14:00. Thursday.



Organized by

Cátedra de Brecha Digital de Género.



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