Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Geography and History Logo del portal


COURSE 2023/24



COURSE 2021/22

3. Lectures to the Faculty: Ukraine. A troubled story by Dr. Juan M. de Fariñán Gilbert, "Ucrania. Una historia convulsa", on Tuesday, February 15 at 5:00 p.m.


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2. Lectures at the Faculty, by Vicent Montagud, Afganistan: the great farce, on October 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the Hall of Degrees.

We continue with our series of lectures within the framework of "Conferences to the Faculty", with a highly topical topic about the current situation in Afghanistan.

For which we will have with us, next Monday, October 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Geography and History, Vicent Montagud, journalist, Head of International

at A Punt, who will give us a critical view of the latest events.






1.Conference - Staged reconstruction of the design and construction process of the old and new St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican

The conference will analyze aspects that until now had not been addressed, on the design process of the old and the new St. Peter's Basilica.
 A 1,300-year-old historical account of the most enigmatic building ever built
 A conference not to be missed!

Thursday, October 7 at 12 noon. Classroom F3.4 Sala Palmireno




COURSE 2020/21

3. CONFERENCES TO THE FACULTY, presentation by Dr. Xavier Casals, entitled "The Spanish extreme right: from the Transition to the present", April 28, at 12:00 h.

We live in a complex and tense political situation in Spain. The tensions derived from our State model, the economic and institutional crisis, and now also the COVID19 pandemic with its multiple consequences, are the breeding ground in which the new extreme right seems to swim comfortably.

If you want to delve more deeply into the reasons that have awakened the far-right movements in Spain, do not miss next Wednesday, April 28, at 12:00 h, within the framework of our CONFERENCES TO THE FACULTY, the presentation by Dr. Xavier Casals , professor at Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull, entitled "The Spanish extreme right: from the Transition to the present day"

You can follow the virtual session through the following link:






2. PRESENTATION BY AURORA BOSCH, Professor of Contemporary History, March 4 at 6.15 pm (Conference visualization)

Would you like to know the reason for the current political and socio-institutional crisis that the United States of America is experiencing?
Have you ever wondered about the global consequences of this crisis?
Then do not miss the presentation on March 4 at 6.15 pm, by our Professor of Contemporary History, Aurora Bosch, who within our initiative CONFERENCES AT THE FACULTY will clarify all these doubts and many more.



Facultat de Geografia i Història





1. CONFERENCIA DE JOAN ROMERO (Visualización conferencia)

El jueves 10 de diciembre a las 18 horas, dentro del programa de conferencias en la Facultad, tendremos la conferencia on line del profesor Joan Romero: 'Comunidad Valenciana 2030. Retos y estrategias para una década decisiva', conferencia de gran interés para el presente y futuro de nuestras tierras en el marco de los diez próximos años. La pandemia, la relación con el Estado, con Europa...