Reglament Règim Intern de la Facultat
University of Valencia Regulations
The following is a list of University of Valencia legislation that regulates official degree programmes:
- Registration regulations of the University of Valencia for undergraduate and master's degrees. ACGUV 107/2017
- Regulation of evaluation and qualification of the University of Valencia for bachelor's and master's degrees. ACGUV 108/2017
- Reglamento para el desarrollo de la mención dual en titulaciones oficiales de la Universitat de València. ACGUV 322/2023. Modelo de convenio y de programa formativo.
- Reglamento de Programas de Doble Titulación de Grado y Máster Oficial. ACGUV 6/2024
- Action protocol for fraudulent practices at the University of Valencia. ACGUV 123/2020
- Regulations on the undergraduate degree final project and master's thesis of the University of Valencia. ACGUV 206/2024
- Regulations on the transfer and recognition of credits. ACGUV 178/2023
- Regulations on academic recognition for participation in cultural or sport activities, student representation and events involving solidarity and cooperation. ACGUV 215/2010
- Regulations on admission of students with official partial university studies. ACGUV 156/2010
- Reglamento de concesión de premios extraordinarios de títulos oficiales de grado y máster de la Universitat de València. ACGUV 179/2023.
- Universitat de València Mobility Legislation ACGUV 196/2013
- Regulations on academic attention to students with a disability. ACGUV 127/2010
- Código de convivencia y buenas prácticas de la UV.
- Continuance Policy for University of Valencia students.
- University of Valencia Charter of Students Rights and Responsabilities
- Regulation of acces to University degree studies for people over 25, 40 and 45 years old.
- Regulations for External Practices of the University of Valencia ACGUV 213/2024
ACGUV stands for Resolutions of the University of Valencia Governing Council (Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de la Universidad de Valencia)