Universities agreements list by country
Call for mobility grants by framework agreements for the staff of the University of Valencia 2025
Official Boletin Board of the University of Valencia publication
Applications deadline: from November 25, 2024 until November 14, 2025.
Applications will be submitted only through the specific form created for this call in the UV electronic registry, attaching the documentation detailed in bases 7.4 or 7.5, depending on the modality:
Modality 1 - Travel grant for UV staff:
They finance travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses to carry out academic stays in foreign higher education institutions with which the UV has signed a framework collaboration agreement.
The financial grant will include a maximum amount of:
- 3.000 euros per beneficiary and for a single stay in countries not located in Europe.
- 1.000 euros per beneficiary and for a single stay in countries located in Europe.
Documentation to provide along with the application:
- Invitation letter signed and sealed by the receiving center with the proposal of the activity to be carried out during your stay. Administration staff will attach a detailed report that relates these activities to their job.
The beneficiary must accept the grant using the form provided in the call, within a period of 10 days from the communication.
Once the aid has been granted, the beneficiary will provide the granting document, which indicates the concepts included in the aid, to the management unit of the department or administrative unit to which he or she is assigned. The service commission corresponding to the trip must be made in the management unit, in accordance with the budget execution manual.
When the trip is completed, the managing unit will send the signed service commission to outgoing@uv.es for approval, and the International Relations and Cooperation Service will transfer the credit of the amount actually spent to the unit's general organic or specific key that must assume the expense.
The beneficiary must complete and send to outgoing@uv.es within one month after completion the final report of the stay.
Modality 2 - Grants for the stay of visiting staff:
The grants for visiting staff stays exclusively finance accommodation and maintenance in university college for a maximum period of one month. The UV staff makes the request and the accommodation reservation, and will be responsible for the person invited during their stay (applicant).
The maximum daily amount will be 100 euros per day. The maximum amount for the entire stay may not exceed 4,500 euros.
The reservation of the accommodation and maintenance will be made in the Rector Peset Hall of Residence of the Universitat de València. If there are no rooms available during the time of the visit, the stay will be in another residence without the amount assigned being higher than the rate set for the Rector Peset Hall of Residence.
Documentation to provide along with the application:
- Invitation letter from the UV applicant indicating the proposal of the academic activity to be carried out during the stay, dates and approval from the Department/Institute.
- Copy of the passport of the invited person.
- Document accrediting the connection of the beneficiary or invited beneficiary with the university of origin.
Once the stay is over, the International Relations and Cooperation Service will be in charge of managing payment for the stay at the Residence Hall.
The beneficiary must complete and send to outgoing@uv.es within one month after completion the final report of the stay.
Grants concession resolution and waiting list
Call for mobility grants by framework agreements for the staff of the University of Valencia 2024
Official Boletin Board of the University of Valencia publication
NOTICE: the aid awarded exhausts the budget for 2024. Given the high number of applications that are already on the waiting list, new applications have no real possibility of obtaining aid.
Applications deadline: from december 18, 2023 until november 15, 2024.
Applications will be submitted only through the specific form created for this call in the UV electronic registry, attaching the documentation detailed in bases 7.4 or 7.5, depending on the modality:
Modality 1 - Travel grant for UV staff:
They finance travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses to carry out academic stays in foreign higher education institutions with which the UV has signed a framework collaboration agreement.
Documentation to provide along with the application:
Invitation letter signed and sealed by the receiving center with the proposal of the activity to be carried out during your stay. Administration and Service Personnel will attach a detailed report that relates these activities to their job.
Once the aid has been granted, the beneficiary will provide the granting document, which indicates the concepts included in the aid, to the management unit of the department to which he or she is assigned. The service commission corresponding to the trip must be made in the management unit, in accordance with the budget execution manual.
When the trip is completed, the managing unit will send the signed service commission to outgoing@uv.es for approval, and the International Relations and Cooperation Service will transfer the credit of the amount actually spent to the unit's general organic.
The beneficiary must complete and send to outgoing@uv.es within one month after completion the final report of the stay: Ayudas de viaje del personal UV - Informe final
Modality 2 - Grants for the stay of visiting staff:
The grants for visiting staff stays exclusively finance accommodation and maintenance in university college for a maximum period of one month. The UV staff makes the request and the accommodation reservation, and will be responsible for the person invited during their stay (applicant).
The reservation of the accommodation and maintenance will be made in the Rector Peset Hall of Residence of the Universitat de València. If there are no rooms available during the time of the visit, the stay will be in another residence without the amount assigned being higher than the rate set for the Rector Peset Hall of Residence.
Documentation to provide along with the application:
- Invitation letter from the UV applicant indicating the proposal of the academic activity to be carried out during the stay, dates and approval from the Department/Institute.
- Copy of the passport of the invited person.
- Document accrediting the connection of the beneficiary or invited beneficiary with the university of origin.
Once the stay is over, the International Relations and Cooperation Service will be in charge of managing payment for the stay at the Residence Hall.
The beneficiary must complete and send to outgoing@uv.es within one month after completion the final report of the stay: Ayudas para estancia de personal visitante - Informe final