Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Geography and History Logo del portal

United Nations Debate, "The United Nations We Want", April 22, 2021

  • April 13th, 2021
United Nations Debate,

Students of the degrees of History, Information and Documentation, History of Art and Geography and the Environment participate in the activities coordinated by the Vice-Rector's Office for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the University of Valencia to participate in the debate on Artificial Intelligence, Planet and People to be celebrated on April 22, 2021 at the UN, as part of the actions implemented by the organization to commemorate its 75th anniversary.

In this debate, the students of the University of Valencia will be spokespersons for an issue that cuts across the entire 2030 Development Agenda, with special emphasis on some of its Sustainable Development Goals. In the months that will precede the debate, they have worked with the funds of the United Nations Library at the University of Valencia, and with the support of UVSostenibilitat, building the arguments that allow outlining the role that new technologies and artificial intelligence have in the world of today, and all this in interdisciplinary tables where the students of our degrees share debate with those from other degrees, such as Law or Psychology, among many others.

