Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Geography and History Logo del portal

Programme code: 3130

Regulations: RD 99/2011

Knowledge branch: Arts and humanities

Doctoral website: www.uv.es/doctorarte

Organised by:Department of History of the Art

Management Centre:Postgraduate School

Participating Universities:Universitat de València Estudi General and Universitat Jaume I de Castelló

Programme Coordinator:Dr Mercedes Gómez-Ferrer Lozano

Places available for new students:17 places

Aims: The joint doctoral programme in History of Art provides an advanced training in the visual arts, through the academic specialisation in the analysis of art production and its processes of creation and reception over time and between different cultures. It also aims at preparing professionals with a deep understanding of the artistic heritage and able to participate in its preservation, dissemination and social enjoyment, as well as to promote critical knowledge of the different contemporary art forms related to the image world. Together with this double academic and professional preparation, this programme enables students to carry out research tasks in all the fields of artistic creation, providing the skills to conceive and develop original research focused on the writing and defence of a doctoral thesis.

Description: The Department of Art History of the University of Valencia has a recognised teaching experience in its field of knowledge, and offers their own doctoral programme since 1986. Meanwhile, the Universitat Jaume I has an area of History of Art since 1991, it is currently registered in the Department of History, Geography and Art. The experience in postgraduate studies of the UV and joint UV-UJI has been positively evaluated several times by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA),the body that supervises the education in Spain, which once distinguished the doctoral programme "Art, landscape and visual culture" with a Quality Award (Resolution by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, 2008). Afterwards, these Doctoral Studies became the university Master’s Degree in “History of Art and Visual Culture” (collaborating UV – UJI), currently in force, with the Quality Award and a qualification of Excellent by the Evaluation and Foresight Valencian Agency (AVAP). The Doctoral Programme in History of Art by the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón and the University of Valencia (General Study), which organises it, has been awarded the Excellence Award for the academic years 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 (Resolution from the Ministry of Education). To make possible the formation, a remarkable flexibility in choosing proposals to complete the 150 hours of training activities is advocated: 60 cross-disciplinary (managed by the Doctoral School) and 90 specific (managed by the own Doctoral Programme).

Administrative information: doctorado@uv.es

For academic information contact with: mercedes.gomez-ferrer@uv.es