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Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation (IUCIE)



Seminar by Professor Dubravka Mindek

Dubravka Mindek will teach the seminar "Love in a suitcase. Displacements and (re)encounters of long-distance emotional couples." Dubravka Mindek is a professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (Mexico) in the group "Social and cultural studies: (in)equity and...

New issue Revista Laocoonte: Poéticas de la inoperancia

Laocoonte. Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes, journal published in the Open Journal System (OJS) of the University of Valencia and directed by Vanessa Vidal Mayor (IUCIE), Miguel Ángel Rivero Gómez (University of Sevilla), Rosa Benéitez Andrés (University of Salamanca) has published a new...



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