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ERI Talk - Fátima Rahim: "Encouraging the integration of multiple texts in Primary Education: What kind of instruction and on-task resources should teachers provide?"

  • November 13th, 2024
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13th December 2024. 13:00h. Online session. Language: Spanish.

Encouraging the integration of multiple texts in Primary Education: What kind of instruction and on-task resources should teachers provide?

 Fátima Rahim

University of Valencia


An investigation was carried out to analyse how Primary School pupils act when they receive instructions to carry out reading comprehension tasks and the presentation of ideas through the writing of a short text. In the production of this text, the students' reading skills were analysed when faced with short texts with contradictory information and the identification of different sources of information. For this purpose, they read four short texts and were asked about becoming vegetarians. Half of the participants performed the task with assistance and half without assistance. These essays were completed on paper. In the second session, they completed a post-learning trial on paper, with a general recall prompt and an idea and source recall task. The main results show that the students who received the assisted condition produce texts that include more sources of information to justify the use of their arguments.



Fátima Rahim Bondia obtained the degree in Primary Education Teacher with the speciality of Hearing and Language from the University of Valencia in 2018, and the subsequent master's degree in Secondary Education Teacher. She currently combines her work as a PhD student in the Comprehension and Reading Programme at the University of Valencia and as a teacher in the public school of the Valencian Community.