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ERI-Talk - Gemma Lluch: "Contents, forms, uses, and impacts of bookstagrammers and booktokers, based on a review of studies"

  • April 5th, 2024
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April 12th 2024. 12:00h. Onsite session. Language: Spanish.

Contents, forms, uses, and impacts of bookstagrammers and booktokers, based on a review of studies

1Gemma Lluch and 2Aránzazu Sanz-Tejeda

1University of València, ERI-Lectura

2University of Castilla-La Mancha, Grupo LIEL


The objective of this talk is to present the results of research on how, why, and in what ways readers, institutions, and businesses share, discuss, recommend, or sell books on Instagram and TikTok, platforms where imagery prevails and which are predominantly used for commercial or leisure purposes; in short, communication that is distant from the world of culture and closer to the entertainment industry.

We organize the results around the 5 topics of interest present in most research:

  1. The relationship between bookstagrammers and booktokers with bloggers and booktubers;
  2. The shared content focusing on three relevant aspects: the use of hashtags, the types of books promoted, and audiovisual reviews as an update of the genre;
  3. The use by professional and institutional administrators, mainly libraries, publishers, and bookstores; and
  4. The impact that celebrities like Reese Witherspoon or Emma Watson have on these networks when they promote a book. After constructing this map, a roadmap for future research is proposed.

Finally, we present 4 studies of profiles of bookstagrammers and booktokers.



Gemma Lluch is a professor in the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Valencia and is part of the Reading Research Group (ERI-Lectura). She is the Principal Investigator of the research project "El canon literario no académico: construcción, características, responsables, selección y recepción en los epitextos públicos virtuales" PID2019-10587RB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. 2019 Call). Contact: Gemma.Lluch@uv.es

Aránzazu Sanz-Tejeda is a Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellow at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, LIEL Group. She is also part of the same project and specializes in virtual promotion of reading and children's and youth literature. Contact: aranzazu.sanz@uclm.es