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ERI-Talk - Valeria Riveros: "I am a seasonal reader: a qualitative study on the interconnection between identity and voluntary reading practices in English as a foreign language"

  • February 23rd, 2024
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March 8th 2024. 12:00h. Online session. Language: English.

I am a seasonal reader: a qualitative study on the interconnection between identity and voluntary reading practices in English as a foreign language

Valeria Riveros

University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)


Existing studies on reading motivation have revealed the close link between a reader's identity and his or her voluntary reading practices. While the existing literature has predominantly focused on reading in a first language, some studies have also revealed the importance of reading identity in reading interest in a foreign language. Applying three qualitative analysis approaches (thematic, narrative, and discursive analysis), this study explores the interconnection between identity and reading interest in English as a foreign language among English language pedagogy (philology) students in Chile. In addition, this study explores aspects such as affective and cognitive immersion in reading in English and how this compares with reading in Spanish as a primary language. The results confirm the close association between identity and reading interest. In addition, they reveal the influence of both ideological and political aspects associated with the acquisition of English in Chile with reading interest and immersion in English.



Valeria Riveros Fuentes, Ph.D., is Professor of English as a Foreign Language at the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (Chile), MA in English Language and Literary Studies at Lancaster University (UK) and PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of York (UK). She is currently an Associate Lecturer in the School of English at the University of Nottingham (UK). Her doctoral project was supervised by Dr. Clémentine Beauvais and was based on the exploration of the use of adaptations of literary texts as a pedagogical tool for the stimulation of reading interest during 2 sessions of extensive reading in English as a foreign language, as well as the interconnection between reading identity and reading for pleasure in English. Her topics of interest are mainly reading identity, reading for pleasure in a foreign language, extensive reading in foreign language teaching, linguistic ideology and multimodality.