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Talk by Daniel Sanabria - Challenges of the Science in the "Credibility Crisis": The example of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

  • March 12th, 2020
Daniel Sanabria UGR
Daniel Sanabria UGR_Retos de la Ciencia ante la "Crisis de Credibilidad": El ejemplo de la Psicología

Place: Faculty of Psychology (Salón de Actos)

Day: March 12, 2020

Time: 11:30 AM

Organized by: ERI Lectura and Faculty of Psychology



The so-called "credibility crisis" has had a strong impact on disciplines such as psychology or medicine, among others. This means that the results of numerous research have been questioned in recent years, both from specialized journals and from the media. It has been revealed that a large number of results published in journals with peer review processes are false positives, are biased, lack of methodological and statistical rigor and are considered “questionable research practices". This talk describes in detail the factors that have been able to contribute to this “crisis” of science and offers some tools to increase its credibility.


Daniel Sanabria Lucena is a professor and researcher in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Granada and the Brain and Behavioral Mind Research Center, University of Granada. He leads the research group Psychology, Ergonomics and Physical Activity (HUM-957). He teaches in the Degree of Psychology and in the Master of Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience. As a researcher, he works on different projects (basic and applied), such as the study of cognitive functioning (especially attention) and brain related to physical exercise (using electroencephalography and electrocardiography), or the study of cognitive factors involved in the physical and sports performance.

Place: Faculty of Psychology (Salón de Actos)

Day: March 11, 2020

Time: 11:30 AM

Organized by: ERI Lectura and Faculty of Psychology

Streaming: The talk can be seen on the following link:


