Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal

Virtual spaces for the promotion of books and reading. Formulation of indicators for the evaluation of its quality and effectiveness.

The investigation aspires to give answers to a social challenge about the changes the Internet causes in the promotion of reading and suggestion of books.

The project has as its general objective:

  • To improve the communication between institutions that promote reading, publishers that publish books and authors that write them with their readers from the formulation of indicators and the elaboration of protocols about a more efficient virtual communication in each tool and virtual platform.
  • From a theoretical point of view, data will allow us to increase the concept of paratext (Genette, 1987) with a proposed definition for “virtual public epitext” .

To sum up, the investigation that we want to develop aspires to give answers to a social challenge about the changes the Internet causes in the promotion of reading and suggestion of books.



Non-UV principal researchers

Gemma Lluch

Non-UV participating researchers

Josep Maria Baldaquí, Virginia Calvo, Dari Escandell, Anna Esteve M. Àngels Francés, Nieves González Fernández-Villavicencio, Rosa Tabernero

Start date
2015 January
End date
2017 June