Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal

Online study of electronic Reading in Young people: eye tracking, thinking aloud and browsing (EDU2011-25885)

The project seeks to understand how young students select and evaluate electronic links while studying electronic documents, both in open and closed environments (e.g. Google and Wikipedia).

Reading in electronic environments offers great opportunities to young students for flexible learning. But it also imposes an added complexity to the learning process by adding the need to constantly make browsing-related decisions (“Should I access this link?”). The project seeks to understand how young students select and evaluate electronic links while studying electronic documents, both in open and closed environments (e.g. Google and Wikipedia). The project also explores the cognitive factors that facilitate the efficient implementation of these processes, as well as the learning results arising from the different browsing decisions. The project develops an innovative methodology based on the triangulation of different process measures, aiming to capture the complexity of high-level cognitive processes: the browsing record gives information about browsing decisions, eye tracking informs about the elements on which they focus, and retrospective thinking aloud gives information about the reasons behind the browsing decisions. Finally, the project explores the instructional benefits of using annotated videos showing how advanced students browse and reason during electronic reading.

Non-UV principal researchers

Salmerón, Ladislao (UV Interdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading); Fajardo, Inmaculada (UV Interdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading); Naumann, Johannes (German Institute of International Educational Research, Frankfurt); García, Victoria (UV Interdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading)

Start date
2012 January
End date
2014 December
Funding agencies:

Ministry for Science and Innovation