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What is RODERIC?

RODERIC (Repositori d'Objectes Digitals per a l'Ensenyament la Recerca i la Cultura, Digital Objects Repository for Teaching, Research and Culture) is the institutional repository of the University of Valencia. It is a gateway for the access and dissemination of the University's digital production. RODERIC reflects the University's commitment to open access knowledge following its accession to the Berlin Declaration (30 September 2008).

RODERIC is designed to collect and disseminate the digital materials produced by the members of the university community in the field of culture, teaching, digitised collections and research. The contents cover all scientific subjects taught at the University and includes all types of digital materials such as preprints and postprints, conference papers, working papers, teaching materials and learning objects, journals published by the University of Valencia and documents and materials related to the institutional activity carried out by its centres, units and services. 

Only the member of the University of Valencia may store documents in RODERIC. To do so, you need to log in to "El meu RODERIC" with your UV username and password. The members of the University of Valencia can store documents related to their research or teaching. 
Research documents are those that collect research results in any subject area or discipline and that have been published by the University of Valencia staff. The documents that can be stored are: 

  • Thesis defended at the University.
  • Articles published in journals, open access or not, which can be distributed on the Internet.