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  • cerrado 13 de spetiembre


    Library closed on Friday, September 13

    The Humanities Library will remain closed on Friday, September 13, due to the opening events of the 2024 - 2025 academic year.


  • Orgull 2024


    Pride 2024

    The Biblioteca d'Humanitats celebrates the LGTBIQA+ International Pride Day with the elaboration of an online and paper bibliography on the subject and with a selection of readings that you can find exposed next to the lending desk. Check it out.

  • Biblioteca d'Humanitats tanca el dia 9 per ser col·legi electoral


    Humanities Library closes on the 9th to become a polling station

    Next June 9, on the occasion of the elections to the European Parliament, the Biblioteca d'Humanitats will function as a polling station. It will close on Saturday, June 8 at 9:30 pm and will reopen on Monday, June 10 at 5:30 am. In order to guarantee the service to users during this period, the lecture hall VI (c/ Doctor Moliner s/n) will open on Saturday, June 8 at 9:30 pm until Monday, June 10 at 5:30 am.


  • Tall aigua


    Tall d'aigua

    Dijous 16 de maig, de 8:30 a 10:00h, es tallarà el subministrament d'aigua a la biblioteca.

    Disculpeu les molèsties!

  • Seagulls



    "Locus Amoenus. Lights and Shadows: The Joyous Counterpoint" is an
    exhibition of paintings that explores the peace, harmony, and luminosity of landscapes and spaces experienced by the artist. These works aim to convey serenity and balance, showcasing places where nature and human
    expression coexist in harmony. The paintings reflect moments of calm and contemplation, inviting viewers to enjoy beauty in a world that is often frenetic and directionless.

    INAUGURATION: May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Ground Floor of the "Joan Reglà" Humanities Library.

    Organized by: Joan Reglà Humanities Library
    Vice-Rectorate for Culture and Society, University of Valencia
    Collaborates: CONCILYARTE
    PLACE: Joan Reglà Humanities Library
    DATES: From May 16 to July 21

  • cartell


    Cabins on 24 hours

    During the 24-hour extraordinary opening, group work cabins can be reserved Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Outside of these hours, the cabins will be open and will function like the rest of the study spaces, without loan or reservation (except the researchers' cabin).