The fact that an author is recognized within the scientific community begins with issues such as:
- The way in which he signs his work and the fact that his name always appears together with that of the institution where he works.
- The use of researcher profiles in which all their scientific production is grouped.
- The correct and complete preparation of your curriculum vitae (CVN or CVA).
Com diferenciar la contribució de cada coautor en un document acadèmic
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Type of authorship
- Preferred authorship: Appears first or last in the list of authors. The preferred authorship is a countable merit in theevaluation agencies' calls.
- Co-authorship: in works from the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities, main co-authorship is valued (the requesting author signs first).
- Corresponding author: this figure arises in the work carried out by large groups of researchers, in research carriedout from different institutions and countries. It is necessary that one of the authors assumes the responsibility of representing the group of researchers. Some of the tasks developed by the author of correspondence:
- Clarify who is responsible for each part of the work.
- Assume responsibility for the integrity of the data presented.
- Bring the group of researchers to a consensus in order to establish their order in the list of authors.
- In general, the corresponding author acts as an intermediary between his research group and the journal to which the paper is submitted.
This type of authorship is also a countable merit in the evaluation calls, generally with the same score as preferred authorship.
- Multi-authorship: The evaluation agencies speak of "multi-authorship" when the works have more than 10 or 12 authors, depending on the discipline and the call, and the author requesting the evaluation is not the preferred author. The total number of works computable for merits with multi-authorship cannot exceed a maximum set by the call.