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  • Fotografía sala lectura biblioteca
  • Historicomèdica


    August timetable

    •    Researchers' room and staff-assisted services (loan, consultation, etc.): 


    From August 1 to 2 and from August 26 to 30:  

    8:15 am to 2:30 pm


    •    Study room:


    From August 1 to 2 and from August 26 to 30:

    8:00 am to 8:00 pm


    You can also see the summer timetable at the rest of libraries.

  • Biblioteca


    Parcial closure monday 3 june

    Next monday, June 3, due to staff training sessions, the Researchers' Room of the Biblioteca Historicomèdica will be closed between 2:00 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. You will have at your disposal the Study Room on the first floor.


    We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Biblioteca


    Library closed in the afternoons

    Due to sick leave, the Researchers' Room of the Biblioteca Historicomèdica will be closed on the afternoons of current week, from 16 to 23 april, both included.


    Sorry for the inconvenience.



  • Vesprada tancada


    Biblioteca tancada vesprada de dimecres 27 de març

    Per motius sobrevinguts, la sala d'investigadors romandrà tancada la vesprada del dimecres 27 de març (a partir de les 14:00h).


    Per a més informació, acudiu a Consergeria en la planta baixa.


    Disculpeu les molèsties

  • ArxiuEcologista


    The Biblioteca Historicomèdica collaborates in the exhibition "Environmentalism archive" at La Nau

    The Biblioteca Historicomèdica collaborates with the exhibition "Environmentalism archive. Memory and visual culture of environmentalism in Valencia since the 1970s", which can be visited from 13 March to 9 June 2024 in the Sala Abierta of the Centro Cultural La Nau. The Library has lent more than 20 posters to the exhibition, which proposes a journey through the audiovisual and material memory of the ecologist movement in the Valencian Country, with a triple objective:


    • Address the limited attention given to environmentalism –particularly in its visual dimension – in historical discourses on contemporary Spain, specifically those related to the Transition to Democracy period.
    • Re-examine the recent history of social mobilisations in Spain by analysing a selection of materials produced by eco-social activism and critique, taking into account ecologism.
    • These reflections will be added to the proposals made by institutions in recent decades for the revision of archival technologies and the material and epistemological status of documents.


    The selected documentary, graphic and audiovisual materials from various archives produced and located in the Valencian Community from the 1970s to the present day are arranged in five nodes: ‘Agents of environmentalism’, ‘Nuclear power plants? No, thank you’, ‘From Albufera to the Valencian countryside’, ‘Save the planet’ and ‘Urban ecology and energy alternatives’.

  • Horari Falles


    Fallas and Easter Timetable

    On the occasion of Fallas, the Biblioteca Historicomèdica (Historical Medical Library) will be closed from March 15 to 20, both days included.


    On the other hand, the Library will be closed on the afternoon of March 14 from 2 p.m. onwards.


    The Study Room will be open during normal hours on March 14.


    The Library will be closed during Holy Week and Easter, between March 28 and April 8, both days included.


    We apologize for any inconvenience