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Schedule of deposit and defense of the final master project

The Master’s Degree Final Project will be developed according to the topics proposed by tutors and approved by the Academic Coordinating Committee. The topics are the following:

Department of Business Organisation:

  1. Public Administrations and HR (basic statute of public service, quality management, HR, city councils).
  2. Evaluation systems and rewards.
  3. Competences management system and value-based management, linked to the career development.
  4. Knowledge management, organisational learning and its influence on HR strategy.
  5. Communication plans to companies.
  6. Design of HR strategies based on commitment.

Department of Labour Law:

  1. Decentralised manufacturing; autonomous work.
  2. Flexible work arrangements
  3. Information, participation and consultation and collective bargaining
  4. Labour relations, company and social security

Department of Social Psychology:

  1. Consultoría organizacional y procesos organizativos
    1. Sistemas de gestión de personas: Selección, formación, comunicación
      interna, planes de carrera.
    2. Procesos psicosociales: gestión de conflictos, liderazgo, inteligencia
      emocional, comunicación.
  2. Resultados en el trabajo: compromiso organizacional, satisfacción y bienestar laboral, clima organizacional, engagement, identificación, absentismo, rotación, desempeño y/o productividad.
  3. Salud y calidad de vida en el trabajo: riesgos psicosociales, gestión del estrés y burnout.
  4. Contextos y fenómenos laborales emergentes: teletrabajo, trabajo a distancia o virtual, equipos o comunidades virtuales.

Department of Sociology

  1. Auditoría sociolaboral, retributiva y de igualdad
  2. Las RRLL en el siglo XXI. Nuevas tendencias
  3. Trabajo decente y ODS
  4. Cambios y transformaciones del factor trabajo
  5. Género y RRLL: planes de igualdad

The assignment of a specific topic and a tutor to each student will be carried out by the decision of the student according to the criteria of academic record and depending on the availability of tutors (always that professors have enough credits for attending one student).


In the event that the Master’s Degree Final Project consists in the development of a basic research this should contain the following sections: title, summary, key words, introduction (objectives/contribution, definition of concepts, qualitative methodology, cases, review of sentences or cases...) quantitative (sample, variables, data analysis) results, discussion (interpretation of results, theoretical and practical implications, study limitations) and bibliography.

In the event that the Master’s Degree Final Project consists in the development of a basic research this should contain the following sections: title, summary, key words, introduction (objectives/contribution, definition of concepts, qualitative methodology, cases, review of sentences or cases...) quantitative (sample, variables, data analysis) results, discussion (interpretation of results, theoretical and practical implications, study limitations) and bibliography. It is possible that the student develop in the Master’s Degree Final Project a intervention proposal without this being introduced. In this case, a diagnosis in the company will be made, and depending on the results obtained the proposal will be made or not.

In all cases, the report should be original and its length should be at least 14.000 words (50 pages approximately; 70 pages maximum)

Course Planning/Calendar
An informative session addressed to all students enrolled at the Master’s Degree Final Project will be done. In the session students will be informed about the characteristics of the Master’s Degree Final Project, the development process, the thematic lines, the tutors and the assignment criteria.
Once all students have been assigned the thematic lines, these should contact with their tutors. For submitting the Master’s Degree Final Project for its assessment, the student must have the approval of the tutor.
After the formal submission of the Master’s Degree Final Project the student will defence the project before an Assessment Committee in an open session.

In the assessment of the project the following aspects will be taking into account:

  • Original work
  • The goal of the project is clearly defined and explained.
  • The literature related directly with the objective of the project is described rigorously.
  • The techniques elements of the project (measuring tools, sample, data analysis, description of results/intervention proposals) are adequately described).
  • There is coherence between the different parts of the project (objective, theoretical introduction, methodology, results, conclusions)
  • The writing is correct
  • There is clarity and neatness in the presentation of the text, tables, figures and other elements of the project.
  • The bibliography is appropriate and the quotation system relevant.